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By making a valuable use of its staff’s commitment, involvement, resolution and professionalism, COOPI aims at fighting poverty and at developing the communities it cooperates with all over the world, by intervening in emergency situations, reconstruction and development, and by reducing the socio-economic gap between northern and southern countries, between developed, under-developed and developing areas
To increase resilience of communities and institutions by promoting environmental sustainability, fostering participation and integrating prevention, mitigation and preparedness actions.
COOPI adopted a specific policy about "Environment and disaster risk reduction".
Tiziana Vicario, Disaster risk reduction and environment focal point.
- Promoting the use of land monitoring tools and the creation of planning strategies and regional plans in order to improve crisis and risk management;
- Fostering decentralisation of responsibilities and resources;
- Supporting good governance processes in DRR by involving people in reviewing the work of local authorities, particularly in terms of accountability and transparency;
- strengthening of capacities at community and institutional level;
- Involving the academic sector in the production of studies and databases, in order to increase the interdisciplinary nature of DRR.
- Land analysis and identification of resources essential to its functioning, development and crisis management;
- Creation of georeferenced database and information systems;
- Creation of cartographic servers;
- Production of maps to support risk and crisis management;
- Development of early warning systems and improvement of the understanding of the scientific language, while promoting a tripartite collaboration between communities, institutions and scientific and/or academics bodies;
- Capacity strengthening in monitoring climatic phenomena and in supporting policy implementation at the regional level.
-Scientific research and know how transfer at national and regional/international level;
- Organizing international symposia for knowledge sharing among various scientific institutes and disseminating practices;
- Creating GIS platforms for coordination at regional level by using open source sites;
- Inclusion of DRR into school curricula such as the adaptation of "Riesgolandia";
- Promoting the creation of spaces for informal education of youth in the field of DRR, for example by organizing "disaster preparedness games";
- Involving children and adolescents, especially including youth at-risk, in sports, theater, radio, photography, graffiti and music related activities;
- Raising awareness on ‘environment and DRR’ subject by involving media and developing communications
- Participating in international events for the dissemination of innovative practices;
-Support to DRR oriented land management;
- Urban requalification of degraded contexts;
- Natural resources conservation activities integrated with climate change adaptation;
- Mitigation of the risk of desertification/flooding by protecting water sources, forest resources protection and reforestation;
- Prevention of soil erosion by natural engineering solutions (these systems are also used to mitigate the risk of landslides or river flooding);
- Integrating DRR measures in food security programmes;
- Strengthening of community livelihoods in areas exposed to drought or other recurring events (El Niño or Niña phenomena), specifically where agriculture and livestock farming are the main activities the communities depend on;
- Support to DRR oriented land management and urban requalification of degraded contexts;
- Creation of water systems, pumps, structures collecting rainwater in tanks or directly into the houses;
- Biodiversity conservation by protecting native and/or endangered plants species as well as of the knowledge associated with them;
- Starting income generating activities aiming at reducing vulnerability;
- Strengthening and/or building of emergency operation centers;
- Construction and/or rehabilitation of roads/bridges for evacuation or emergency gathering points, taking into account the removal of architectural barriers for people with disabilities or elderly;
- Construction and rehabilitation of shelter centers, especially in countries where these are also used as schools in order to guarantee the right to education and ensure the psychosocial assistance during crisis;
- Realization of and support to alternative infrastructures for the management of emergencies, such as spaces for the placement of tents serving as temporary hospitals, shelters for displaced people, spaces for debris disposal, etc.;
-Implementation of photovoltaic systems for supplying alternative energy;
- Strengthening capacity of self-building by using local materials;
- Support to health centers in the epidemiological and biological risk monitoring and in activating risk mitigation processes by installing water chlorination systems and/or direct intervention on the infrastructures;
- Protection of the historical and cultural heritage by the application of methods such as temporary shoring and other permanent mitigation works.
- Encouraging community organization by creating local emergency committees as well as local committees for the storage and conservation of subsistence resources (emergency barns to ensure food security, water committees, committees for the control of early warning systems);
- Creation of contingency and coordination plans while supporting the development of communication systems that should be tested by simulations;
- Training of institutions (municipalities, emergency organizations, bodies in charge of environmental management, etc.) on the response to emergencies and land management, creating groups for damage assessment, needs assessment and risk management, either it be anthropic or natural;
- Creating and strengthening emergency operation committees at different intitutional level (church, municipal, provincial/departmental and regional levels) by providing tools and equipment, know-how transfer and material for awareness;
- Supporting institutions in DRR oriented land use planning and managament, identifying vulnerable groups and resources to be protected;
- Supporting the creation of emergency warehouses and control systems to manage the flow of goods in emergencies;
- Promoting corporate social responsibility, supporting inventory of companies having logistical skills and stimulating agreements that ensure normalization of prices in case of crisis.
- The activation of processes specifically targeted to different age groups of a given community. In this sense, COOPI has developed different methodologies to actively involve children, youth, adults and elderly;
- The conformity to and promotion of a gender approach to revaluate the role of women and reduce the vulnerability embedded in the role they have in their own society;
-The involvement of minority groups, due to either ethnic, racial, religious or nationality reasons, in the definition of tools that meet the cultural, linguistic and social differences and claim for the principle of non-discrimination;
-The definition of methods for involving people with disabilities in risk and crisis management and the removal of architectural barriers or others that could increase their vulnerability (alert systems that take into account deafness, blindness , etc.);
- The collection of oral knowledge, as well as the understanding of the perceptions and attitudes of communities.
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.