Meetings and conferences

2018 technical forum: Leveraging on the Sendai Framework Monitoring (SFM) process in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement

In person

Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany


Organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)

with the support of the Government of Germany


1. Introduction and Background


An important component of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) is the inclusive and comprehensive monitoring and reporting process which allows countries, as well as regional organizations and local governments, to monitor global progress in reaching the agreed seven targets as well as to monitor progress in the implementation of national, local and regional risk reduction strategies and plans. This reporting is supported by the Sendai Framework Monitor developed and managed by UNISDR.

The Sendai Framework Monitoring Process was launched at a technical workshop held in Bonn in December 2017. This 2018 Technical Forum will provide an opportunity to review the significant progress made so far in the monitoring and reporting of the implementation of the Sendai Framework, with a special attention to Target E (Substantially increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020) and also on the coherence of actions with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as the Paris Agreement. This review will be the basis for highlighting the strengths and shortcomings of the SFM Process and help identify actions that could further strengthen the monitoring of the implementation of the Sendai Framework at the national as well as regional and local levels.  

The 38 indicators for measuring the implementation of the Sendai Framework global targets were agreed by Member States through the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology Relating to Disaster Risk Reduction (OIEWG). The Report by the OIEWG, which was endorsed by the UN General Assembly in February 2017 (A/71/644), requested UNISDR to provide continuous technical guidance in order to support Member States in the operationalization of these indicators and relevant targets and indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The OIEWG also requested UNISDR to develop the Sendai Framework Monitor to enable Member States to report on progress made in the implementation of the Sendai Framework global targets and -related targets and indicators of other international frameworks such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eventually the Paris Agreement. The Sendai Framework Monitor also provides Member States with the possibility to set nationally defined targets and indicators to measure the implementation of national disaster risk reduction strategies.

This 2018 Technical Forum will review progress related to the Sendai Framework Monitoring Process. Participants will learn about the Sendai Framework Monitor, including its data entry requirements, analytical capabilities as well as levels of application (global, regional, national, local). The current work developed by countries in reporting on the progress in implementing the Sendai Framework, and the work carried out by relevant international and regional organizations to support Member States in this endeavour will also be reviewed and discussed by participants. The Technical Forum will also review the reporting timelines as well as the requirements for baseline data for the 2005-2015 timeframe.


2. 2018 Technical Forum Objectives


UNISDR is organizing this 2018 Technical Forum in order to:

  • Review progress made on the Sendai Framework Monitoring Process, including the rollout of the Sendai Framework Monitor, the implementation of disaster loss databases and identify areas where technical assistance may be required. 
  • Provide a space to share experiences through the presentation of case studies on monitoring and reporting, focusing on successes, challenges, and suggestions for improvements in the process.
  • Review the contribution of the Sendai Framework Monitor for reporting on relevant SDGs and possible use for monitoring progress in the implementation of the Paris Agreement (Adaptation activities).
  • Review progress made on consolidating access to and use of disaster-related statistics as well as geospatial data to support the monitoring of the implementation of the Sendai Framework.


3. Expected outcomes


This 2018 Technical Forum will provide participants with an opportunity to learn more about data collection and reporting requirements regarding the implementation of the Sendai Framework as well as to discuss and review relevant issues including coherence of the Sendai Framework with other global agendas (SDGs and Paris Agreement).

The following topics will be covered in the sessions:

  • Review of the progress to date on the implementation and use of the Sendai Framework Monitor as well as the disaster loss accounting database
  • Identification of actions that could further strengthen the monitoring of the implementation of the Sendai Framework at the national as well as regional and local levels.
  • Thematic and sectorial discussions including data disaggregation, classifications of hazards, critical infrastructure, basic services, productive assets, and slow-onset disasters.
  • Coherence with the 2030 sustainable development agenda and the Paris Agreement.
  • Introduction of relevant research and activities carried out by the UN and other international organizations as well as stakeholders.


4. Target Audience


The 2018 Technical Forum is aimed at:

  • Sendai Framework National Focal Points as well DRR staff and experts leading the implementation and monitoring of the Sendai Framework at the National as well as Regional and Local levels.
  • Senior and technical-level staff of National Statistics Offices (NSOs), as well as other relevant national sectoral data custodians.
  • Senior and technical-level staff from the United Nations and other international and regional organizations, as well as stakeholder representatives (private sector, academia, NGOs, etc.) engaged in the implementation of the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Development Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

Participation will be limited to 110 participants hence early application is encouraged. Late applications may not be able to be accommodated.


5. Invitation to submit a presentation proposal


We invite all those interested in contributing to this 2018 Technical Forum to submit a presentation proposal on any of the topics listed below using the attached form below (Annex - Proposal for Presentation - 2018 Technical Forum) that needs to be submitted to the following e-mail: [email protected]. Deadline for submissions is 22nd October 2018. The Organizing Committee will be reviewing the proposals as soon as received so we ask participants interested in making a presentation to submit early.

Please note that limited funding support will only be available to selected participants from developing countries. Priority will be given to participants representing LDCs and SIDS who have submitted a presentation proposal that is selected by the Organizing Committee.

New deadline for abstract of presentation proposal: 22 October 2018

Presentation Topics

1. Successes and challenges in using the Sendai Framework Monitor and in the organization of the data gathering, reporting and validation process at the national as well as the regional and local levels

2.  Thematic and sectoral contributions to the monitoring of the implementation of the Sendai Framework, including data disaggregation, classifications of hazards, critical infrastructure, basic services, productive assets and slow-onset disasters.

3. Progress made on consolidating access and use of disaster-related statistics (including the Global Partnership for Disaster-related Statistics) as well as opportunities for accessing and using geospatial and space-based data.

4. Progress in ensuring coherence in the implementation of Sendai Framework Target E, with the 2030 sustainable development agenda and the Paris Agreement (more specifically in the development of National Adaptation Plans – NAPs).


6. Language of the 2018 Technical Forum


The working languages of all activities of the 2018 Technical Forum will be English.


7. How to apply and application deadline


Please note that the deadline for application for all interested participants is 9th November 2018 using the link below. Confirmed participants will receive an invitation letter with additional information including the agenda and logistics.

Deadline for application to attend (without travel support): 9 Nov 2018

Click here to apply.

As mentioned above, please note that limited funding support will only be available to selected participants from developing countries. Priority will be given to participants representing LDCs and SIDS who have submitted a presentation proposal that is selected by the Organizing Committee. (please see above, the section titled: Invitation to submit a presentation proposal)


8. Funding Support to participants whose presentation proposal is selected by the Organizing Committee


Thanks to the support being provided by the Government of Germany, UNISDR will be able to offer support to a limited number of participants from developing countries (priority to LDCs and SIDS) that have submitted a presentation proposal that is selected by the Organizing Committee. The support will cover the cost of travel (round-trip ticket – most economic fare – between the airport of international departure in their country of residence and neighbouring airport in Bonn) and/or accommodation during the duration of the event as per UN rules and regulations.


9. Life and Health Insurance


Life/major health insurance is the responsibility of the participant or his/her institution or government. The organiser will not assume any responsibility for life and major health insurance, nor for expenses related to medical treatment or accidental events.


10. Point of Contact


For logistics and technical matters as well as any other questions please e-mail: [email protected]


Third parties: UNISDR will not provide personal information supplied electronically to any third party without your consent.

UNISDR may disclose information supplied electronically to third parties only in aggregate form


Document links last validated on: 23 December 2019

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