DAWBEE satellite nowcasting applications workshop
UNISDR and WMO started in May 2012 the joint implementation of the project 'Building resilience to disasters in the Western Balkans and Turkey'. The project is supported by the European Commission DG Enlargement through the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA). The beneficiaries are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) and Turkey. The project has a duration of 24 months and will end in May 2014. The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen the resilience of the IPA beneficiaries to disasters.
As a part of the project activities, WMO is organizing a workshop on DAVVBEE Satellite Nowcasting applications. The workshop aims to strengthen the capacities of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services of the project beneficiaries in MSG SEVIRI imagery and RGB products for nowcasting cyclogenesis, severe convection and fog detection. Special focus will be given to the analysis of satellite images in terms of conceptual model such like synoptic fronts, deformation zones, jets, Potential Vorticity anomalies, convection and other mesoscale features.