Making better use of disaster risk information: Lessons for a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction - A UNISDR–Australia workshop
A UNISDR-Australia workshop took place on 27-28th June 2013 in Canberra, Australia. The workshop is the first UNISDR consultation to take place after the Fourth Global Platform for DRR. Its purpose is to distil practical guidance on how risk information can inform sound decision making, drawing on the many good examples from governments, scientific and technical agencies, the private sector and communities, particularly across the Asia Pacific region. The workshop will agree on clear messages about what works and why and how these messages can be incorporated as a priority theme into the first draft of the post-2015 framework for DRR (HFA2).
The workshop covers the issues of 1) Accounting for disaster losses and 2) Developing ownership by making risk information available to all.