Meetings and conferences

Technical Forum on Sendai Framework Monitoring

Organizer(s) UNDRR Bonn Office

The event will be held virtually over 7 and 8 December 2021 as per the following schedule:

Morning sessions on both 7 and 8 December:


08:00 - 10:00 CET

Afternoon sessions on both 7 and 8 December:


15:00 - 17:00 CET

All timings are in Central European Time (CET): Please use these links to convert the CET start time to your local time:

Morning session: and

Afternoon session:

As participation is limited, you are requested to register for the event in advance.

Event language(s)
  • English

(Interpretation available in Arabic, French and Spanish, for details please see at the end of the provisional programme table)

The Sendai Framework monitoring process provides an opportunity for UN Member States to benchmark, measure and concretely track their progress in disaster risk reduction. Since its launch in 2018, more than 150 countries have reported on at least one of seven Sendai Framework targets. UNDRR has used this information to develop analytical reports on the progress in implementation of the Sendai Framework and related SDG targets.

However, the aim of the Sendai Framework Monitor extends beyond compliance in reporting and assessing progress. It is also a means to provide an analytical and evidence base for risk-informed planning through garnering statistically rigorous and government-owned data. It also demonstrates applications in development and humanitarian spheres.

The UNDRR Technical Forum on Sendai Framework Monitoring will:

  • Share good practices in national reporting on the Sendai Framework implementation
  • Explore current and potential applications of Sendai Framework monitoring data
  • Highlight the role of disaster-related statistics in risk-informed governance through targeted analysis.

The Forum will bring together governments and stakeholders to discuss how to transition from data collection to analysis and decision-making for climate and disaster risk resilient development. The Forum will further provide an opportunity to share good practices in Sendai Framework reporting and monitoring, as well as avenues of support to the process. It will also explore the central role of disaster-related statistics in scaling-up and strengthening risk governance at regional and national level.

Target Audience

  • Sendai Framework focal points from Member States
  • National Statistical Offices and line ministries involved in Sendai Monitoring and/or disaster-related statistics
  • UN organizations who are supporting Member States in this process and who are also potential users of the monitoring data
  • Stakeholders and international organizations with an interest in disaster and climate risk and impact analytics

The zoom-based webinar will be structured around interactive sessions with live demonstrations and plenary discussions. Availability of interpretation is to be confirmed. Two similar sessions will be held to accommodate different time zones.


All timings are in Central European Time (CET): Please use these links to convert the CET start time to your local time: Morning session: and Afternoon session:

Tue, 7 Dec 2021

Morning session (CET)

Afternoon session (CET)




Opening Remarks 

Scene setting

0800 – 0815

Loretta Hieber-Girardet

Chief, Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity Development Branch, UNDRR

Animesh Kumar

Head of Bonn Office, UNDRR

1500 - 1515

Loretta Hieber-Girardet

Chief, Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity Development Branch, UNDRR

Animesh Kumar

Head of Bonn Office, UNDRR

Session 1

Use and Impact of Sendai Framework Monitor Data: Applications in policy frameworks, national planning and intergovernmental processes

This session will see presentations and discussion on different ways in which SFM data has been used. Participants will share their experiences on how this has contributed to policy making and planning. Interlinkage of SFM data with the inter-agency and multi-lateral processes will also be explored. 

0815 – 0900


Sanny‌ ‌Ramos‌ ‌Jegillos‌, Senior Adviser / Team Leader, Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery for Building Resilience, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub


1.   Using ‘Sendai Framework Monitor’ data in managing all hazard health emergencies and disasters risks, Qudsia Huda, Head, Disaster risk management and resilience unit, Health Security and Preparedness WHO

2.   Sendai Framework Monitor data for Agriculture sector, DanielaMangione, Regional Resilience and DRR focal point for Europe and Central Asia. FAO 

3.   INFORM Risk: Use of Sendai Framework monitoring metrics and Sustainable Development Goals indicators,Sepehr Marzi, External consultant, European Commission (Fincons) and disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation analyst 

1515 – 1600


Rahul Sengupta, Programme Management Officer, Bonn Office, UNDRR


1.   Using ‘Sendai Framework Monitor’ data in managing all hazard health emergencies and disasters risks, Qudsia Huda, Head, Disaster risk management and resilience unit, Health Security and Preparedness WHO

2.   Sendai Framework Monitor data for Agriculture sector,Daniela Mangione, Regional Resilience and DRR focal point for Europe and Central Asia. FAO 

3.   INFORM Risk: Use of Sendai Framework monitoring metrics and Sustainable Development Goals indicators, Sepehr Marzi, External consultant, European Commission (Fincons) and disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation analyst 


0900 - 0905

1600- 1605

Session 2

Use and Impact of Sendai Framework Monitor Data: Potential applications in climate action and other thematic areas

In this session, presenters will investigate the future use of the available data in different sectoral and thematic areas that could benefit from the country reporting. How can climate action be informed by the geography of losses? How can data on mortality and economic losses from disasters influence financing for disaster risk reduction in the future? How can the reporting on multi-hazard early warning systems help to reprioritize focus for vulnerable countries that are in need for such warnings and early action? 


0905 – 1000


Irfan Maqbool, Director, Risk Governance Department, ADPC


  1. The Nexus of the Global Goal on Adaptation and the Global Stocktake:Maryam Navi, Associate Programme Officer, Adaptation Division, UNFCCC 
  2. Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems: John Harding, Head, Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Secretariat, WMO 
  3. The role of Ecosystems in the Sendai Framework Monitor:Yvonne Walz, Associate Academic Officer, United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) 

1605 – 1700


Donna Lagdameo, Programme Management Officer, Bonn Office, UNDRR


1.   The Nexus of the Global Goal on Adaptation and the Global Stocktake:Maryam Navi, Associate Programme Officer, Adaptation Division, UNFCCC 

2.    Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems:John Harding, Head, Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Secretariat, WMO 

3.   The  role of Ecosystems in the Sendai Framework Monitor: Fabrice Renaud, Professor of Environmental Risk and Community Resilience at the University of Glasgow's School of Interdisciplinary Studies

Wed, 8 Dec 2021

Morning session (CET)

Afternoon session (CET)

Session 3

Strengthening reporting on the Sendai Framework Monitor: Innovations and insights

This session will call upon Member States to share their experience on the reporting in the Sendai Framework Monitor. It will also outline the latest thinking from UN and other international partners who can support the Member States in reporting better on specific targets and indicators of the Sendai Framework and SDGs. 

0800 – 0855


Tricia Addie, Assistant Director, Strategic and International Policy, Policy and Design Branch, National Recovery and Resilience Agency, Australia  


  1. Country experience in Sendai Framework monitoring: Disaster data registration Bazarragchaa Duudgai, Head of Disaster Risk Assessment, National Emergency Management Agency, Mongolia
  2. The Asia-Pacific Risk and Resilience Portal: Madhurima Sarkar-Swaisgood, Economic Affairs Officer, Information & Communication Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UNESCAP
  3. Monitoring ODA in support of Disaster Risk Reduction:Giorgio GUALBERTI Statistical Analyst - Climate and Environmental Development Finance, OECD 

1500 – 1555


Karine Zoghby, Project Officer, UNDP Lebanon


  1. Country experience in Sendai Framework monitoring: Ms. Yolande ELLA, SFM Focal Point, Civil Protection, Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT), and Mr. Jean PierreMINKOULOU, IT Engineer, Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT), Government of Cameroon. 
  2. Country experience in Sendai Framework monitoring:Carlos Picado Rojas, Commission Nacional de Emergencies, Government of Costa Rica
  3. Country experience in Sendai Framework monitoring:Beata Janowczyk, Head of Unit, Risk Assessment and Emergency Planning Unit, Critical Infrastructure Protection Office, Government Centre for Security, Government of Poland 
  4. Earth observation-based indicators for Sendai Framework Monitoring:Yvonne Walz, Associate Academic Officer, United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) 
  5. Monitoring ODA in support of Disaster Risk Reduction. Giorgio Gualberti, Statistical Analyst - Climate and Environmental Development Finance, OECD   


0855 – 0900

1555 – 1600

Session 4

Disaster-related statistics: Contributions to risk governance and monitoring

The session will bring together the disaster risk reduction and statistical community to discuss good practices and means to enhance the statistical quality and standard of data. 

0900 – 0955


Rikke Munk Hansen, Chief, Economic and Environment Statistics Section, Statistics Division, UNESCAP


1.    Disaster-related data and statistics in the Pacific: Hélène Jacot Des Combes, DRM/CCA Advisor – PREP II, National Disaster Management Office, The Republic of the Marshall Islands

2.    Hazard Definition and Classification Review: Virginia Murray, Head, Global Disaster Risk Reduction and Global Health Security, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) 

3.    Disaster Data Disaggregation: Rahel Steinbach, Global lead for disaster risk reduction and resilience, UN Women  

1600 – 1655


Michael Nagy, Statistician, Environment and Multi-domain Statistics Section, Statistical Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 


  1. Disaster-related data and statistics in Latin America and Caribbean:Peter Abad of INEI (NSO) Peru (on behalf of Working Group on Measuring and Recording Indicators Related to Disaster Risk Reduction)
  2. Hazard Definition and Classification Review: Ms Kanza Ahmed, Consultant in Global Public Health. Global Disaster Risk Reduction and Global Health Security, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) 
  3. Disaster Data Disaggregation:  Rahel Steinbach, Global lead for disaster risk reduction and resilience, UN Women  

Summary and Closing Remarks

0955 – 1000

Animesh Kumar, UNDRR

1655 – 1700

Animesh Kumar, UNDRR


Simultaneous Interpretation available:




7 Dec 2021

0800 hrs to 1000 hrs CET

English and Arabic

7 Dec 2021

1500 hrs to 1700 hrs CET

English, French and Spanish

8 Dec 2021

0800 hrs to 1000 hrs CET

English and Arabic

8 Dec 2021

1500 hrs to 1700 hrs CET

English, French and Spanish



  1. Online Sendai Framework Monitor:
  2. Guidelines and key Resources on the Sendai Framework Monitor: 
  3. Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030: Reports of the Secretary-General
    1. 2021
    2. 2020
    3. 2019
  4. The Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report (Ref Goals 1, 11 and 13):
    1. 2021
    2. 2020
    3. 2019
  5. Monitoring the Implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: A Snapshot of Reporting for 2018
  6. Status report on target (e) implementation
  7. International Cooperation in Disaster Risk Reduction: Target F Report


Document links last validated on: 28 December 2021

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