Writeshop on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
A South Pacific regional writeshop to support developing country publications on Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change will be held next month in Suva, Fiji.
A call for applications is now underway for young scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and others from the South Pacific who are working in the field of climate change and disaster risk reduction. It will address topic relevant to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction such as, ‘policies, institutions and governance issues to adaptation and disaster risk reduction’ and ‘experiences with specific extreme climate events in the region.’
Participants will produce a peer-review quality publishable article and they will gain enhanced awareness of the process of writing papers for academic journals. These skills will allow their work to be incorporated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and other high-level scientific bodies and consequently inform policy making on key issues of risk and climate.