UNDRR Publications

We produce a range of publications by collecting and analysing risk data through a range of tools, knowledge products, and mobilising like-minded partners.

Cover of COVID19 Brief on social protection
Documents and publications
This brief explores how countries in the region are leveraging social protection systems in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the challenges and successes to date.
Ghana risk sensitive budget review
Documents and publications
This report provides an analysis of public investment planning for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Ghana and provides information on the level of public investment in DRR in the country.
Documents and publications

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 emphasizes the need to establish public-private partnerships for disaster risk reduction to better address the socioeconomic impacts of disasters. The private sector can support disaster risk

Multiple Benefits of DRR: Angola cover page
Documents and publications

 This study aims at quantifying the multiple benefits of disaster risk reduction (DRR) investments and building a knowledge base for risk-informed decision-making on DRR investment in Angola. The present report describes the methods of direct and indirect

Multiple Benefits of DRR cover page
Documents and publications

This policy brief highlights how investing in disaster risk reduction not only protects lives and assets, but can also yield additional benefits that can enhance the wellbeing and resilience of African countries. Under the program, “Building Disaster

SMEs italy flyer cover
Documents and publications
UNDRR's “Building SMEs Resilience” survey was conducted in Italy with an aim to build a baseline understanding of where small and medium businesses are in terms of the various aspects of disaster risk.
UNDRR INFO June 2020 cover page
Documents and publications

UNDRR INFO, is the regional office for Europe's monthly newsletter covering activities in the field of DRR. This month's edition includes updates on: National Platforms for DRR, UNDRR Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism, European RoadMap for Disaster Risk

Multiple-hazards and systemic risk_ Addressing climate-related
Documents and publications

As the Global Risk Assessment Report (GAR2019) has highlighted, the nature and scale of risk have changed. In our increasingly complex inter-connected world risk has become systemic, challenging governance mechanisms of established risk management

UNDRR INFO MAY 2020 first page
Documents and publications

UNDRR INFO, is the regional office for Europe's monthly newsletter covering activities in the field of DRR.  This month's edition includes updates on: Resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises, Socio-economic impacts of pandemics, COVID-19 response in

UNDRR INFO APRIL 2020 first page
Documents and publications

UNDRR INFO, is the regional office for Europe's monthly newsletter covering activities in the field of DRR.  This month's edition includes updates on:  Options for Addressing Infrastructure Resilience, Cyber Security, The Earthquake in Zagreb amid the

Related on UNDRR.org

BMZ side event LDC5
The latest news from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the lead UN agency for the coordination of disaster risk reduction.
Cheerful young black lady leading international group of protestors
Our communications and advocacy campaigns call for taking action today to protect people and prevent disasters from happening.
Media Centre Thumb
Media centre
Access to a range of multimedia resources related to disaster risk reduction, including news releases, photos, videos, and other materials.

Further UNDRR knowledge offerings

Terminology logo.png
Definitions on disaster risk reduction to promote a common understanding on the subject for use by the public, authorities and practitioners.
Words into Action
Guidelines, based on global expertise, communities of practice, and networks of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practitioners. The guidelines provide practical, specific advice on implementing a people-centered approach to DRR.
A girl completing a painting showing trees, people and a sign saying “Cinta Lingkungan”
The global knowledge sharing platform for disaster risk reduction and resilience.

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