Business leaders meet to advance the resilience of societies to disaster risks

business leaders for resilience

On 10 March 2023, UNDRR convened representatives from selected high-cap companies, leaders in their respective industries – such as Pharma, Agrifood, Transport, Telecom, Building Materials, Hospitality, and Media – and collectively employing about 1 million people with revenue of USD 300 Billion in over 100 countries. 

The objective was to identify priority actions to further embed disaster risk reduction in the corporate mindset to de-risk societies. The participants discussed the possibility of establishing a Network of Chief Resilience Officers (CROs) to advance this work. 

During the meeting, they confirmed the value addition and potential of this network and highlighted that individual and collective organizational resilience enables societal resilience. They agreed to exploit collective experience to develop a system of governance, process, and measurement that is accessible to all organizations. 

They also committed to working with UNDRR on a series of outputs for this year including:

  • A framework for assessing an organization’s resilience maturity (universal KPIs), 
  • Guidance for implementing the TCFD’s reporting framework from a Chief Resilience Officer’s perspective, and 
  • A compilation of good resilience practices from different industries that can serve as inspiration for all companies. 

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