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The Aqaba Special Economic Zone was inaugurated in 2001 as a bold and timely initiative by the government of Jordan to ensure that Aqaba’s commercial and cultural prominence continues into the twenty – first century. With this transformation, Aqaba is recalled ASEZ pouring its historical role as a regional hub for trade, tourism, and culture.
The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) is the financially and administratively autonomous institution responsible for the management, regulation, and the development of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ). Six ministerial – level commissioners, each responsible for a major area of regulatory or operational activity, govern the ASEZ. ASEZA is a service – oriented organization offering one – stop assistance covering all investment needs.
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.