Proceedings of the first session of the Global Platform Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, 5-7 June 2007, including:
- Opening statement,
- Extracts from opening address,
- Introduction;
Section 1:
- Raise awareness on reducing disaster risk
- Addresses and interventions by heads of delegations
- High level dialogue
Section 2:
- Share national and local experiences and good practices in disaster risk reduction
- Introductory plenary
Session workshop 1: National coordination mechanisms - national platforms for disaster risk reduction
Session workshop 2: Policy and legislative systems for disaster risk reduction
Session workshop 3: Mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction into national development instruments
Session workshop 4: From national frameworks to local action: Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA)
Session workshop 5: Education for disaster risk reduction and safer schools in communities at risk
Session workshop 6: Reducing risk in health facilities and the health sector
Session workshop 7: Strengthening disaster risk reduction through preparedness
Session workshop 8: Ecosystems and environmental management for risk reduction
Section 3:
- Assess progress in implementing the Hyogo Framework and guide the ISDR system
- Introduction to reporting on progress
- Regional and global overview of implementation - progress and gaps
- ISDR system action 2008-2009 to advance the implementation of the Hyogo Framework
Chair's Summary
Annex I: Agenda of the first session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduciton
Annex II: List of participating countries and organizations
Annex III: List of statements
Annex IV: List of side events