Contributions of UN Organisations for the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
United Nations (UN) organisations were encouraged to contribute to a joint report through the UN Plan of Action reporting process: questions focused on achievements, key challenges and lessons learned in implementing the Sendai Framework and the UN Plan of Action on DRR for Resilience, as well as emerging topics and recommendations on how the UN Plan of Action can best support critical efforts in the coming years. UN organisations have also been invited to conduct comprehensive all-of-organisation MTR SF consultations, review and reporting, utilising the Guidance for Stakeholders of the MTR SF.
During the 7th annual meeting of the UN Senior Leadership Group on DRR and Resilience (12 July 2022), UN entities further discussed their inputs to the MTR SF process. The report includes their contributions, presents some of the main achievements and challenges, discusses key trends that have emerged since 2015, and identifies several areas of focus to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework in the remaining seven years.