Disaster risk management for health: mental health and psychosocial support
Disaster Risk Management for Health Fact Sheets:
This fact sheet about mental health and psychosocial support in disaster risk reduction for health is divided into four sections: i) Key points ii) Why is this important? iii) What are the health risks? iv) Risk management considerations.
Mental health and psychosocial support key points:
-Mental health and psychosocial well being benefits from a sense of normalcy, facilitation of community mobilisation and self-help;
-Many factors that adversely affect psychological health are related to the way assistance e.g. food security, shelter, water and sanitation, is provided;
-Vulnerable groups, such as socially isolated and marginalized people and people living in institutions, require specific risk reduction, emergency response and recovery measures;
-Measures to address risks to mental health ad psychosocial wellbeing include many facets;
-Different paradigms of mental health and illness exist across the world.