Handbook on good building design and construction: Aceh and Nias islands
This handbook was made to provide simple information to home owners, designers and builders, and building monitors to teach principles of good design and good construction in a natural hazard prone area. Thoroughly studied, they will also guide on whether to repair or rebuild damaged houses. The descriptions are followed by a code of minimum standards for construction of houses in Aceh and Nias Islands.
Since many concepts are not easy to describe, the handbook contains pictures to facilitate understanding. The photographs have all been taken of construction practices in the reconstruction of Aceh and Nias since the great Tsunami and earthquake of 26 December 2004 and the second major earthquake of 28 March 2005. Aceh, Nias and nearby islands, and other areas along the west coast of Sumatra, are earthquake and tsunami prone, and are also subject to flooding due to sudden downpours of rain. The principles of this book are designed to minimize vulnerability to these natural hazards.