Integrating disaster risk reduction into the fight against poverty: GFDRR annual report 2007
Global facility for disaster reduction and recovery: annual report 2007.
There are two ways to ensure a healthy future for countries and communities that are highly vulnerable to disasters: help them reduce the risks before disaster strikes and, when it does, ensure that reconstruction and recovery are long term and sustainable.
Helping governments and people develop the skills and knowledge needed to take on disaster risk challenges is at the heart of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR). This partnership between the World Bank and the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system is only a year old, but early results are promising.
The GFDRR's mission is to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards by mainstreaming disaster risk management and climate change adaptation into country development strategies. A key goal is enhancing the speed and efficiency of international assistance after disasters occur in the Bank's high-risk client countries. It also supports the ISDR system by catalyzing global and regional partnerships that help achieve the objectives of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), the global blueprint for disaster risk reduction that was ratified by 168 nations.