ISDR secretariat biennial workplan: 2006-2007
Working in partnership to implement the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters:
This document includes objectives and outcomes of a longer-term five-year strategic time span for the ISDR secretariat, while presenting outputs and budgetary requirements for the period 2006-2007 (with budgetary requirements for the period April 2006-December 2007).
The ISDR system as a whole has the overall responsibility to ensure increased and effective disaster risk reduction at national and local levels guided by the Hyogo Framework. Whereas the implementation of risk reduction must take place at national and local levels, the primary function of the ISDR secretariat is to support the ISDR system in assisting nationals and communities in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework. The secretariat will act as a facilitating body and "honest broker", in respect to policy coordination, advocacy, information provision, regional outreach and resource mobilization.
As part of its internal management function, the ISDR secretariat will put more emphasis on monitoring and evaluation of its activities. This will include a mid-term progress review with donor participation to take stock of planned and achieved outputs, to make work plan revisions if necessary, and to generally increase donor confidence in the work of the ISDR system and its secretariat.