MCR2030 Europe and Central Asia: Partners’ guide for local disaster risk reduction strategies and action plans
This guide breaks down the MCR2030 offer for local authority members of the MCR2030 network and provides guidance on how to approach the development and implementation of comprehensive and integrated local disaster risk reduction strategies and plans that are aligned with national and regional strategies and plans.
This guide has captured various city and partner experiences through the MCR2030 resilience roadmap, as well as the methodology and dashboard/tools that cities use day-to-day (both Core Partner and other tools), the key steps required to develop a resilience strategy, challenges regarding data sets required during the process, the ideal time frame for cities to develop a resilient strategy or action plan, key areas of technical support required to reduce risk and deliver a more resilient city, training and capacity-building needs, areas in which extra support are required post programme of resilience strategy development, and priority functional areas/ portfolio development.