Sixth Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management: Chair's summary
This summary provides the Chair’s assessment of the main points of the key issues discussed during the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management, held in Suva, Fiji on 2–4 June 2014.
It presents (i) the findings of a ten-year review of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in the region; (ii) a summary of a High-level dialogue between prominent representatives of Fiji, French Polynesia, New Zealand and Thailand, addressing community resilience building and the role of leaders in this agenda; (iii) the perspectives of the Pacific region on the consultation process around the development of the post 2015 Framework for disaster risk reduction (HFA2); (iv) the development of performance indiactors for the new framework; (v) the preparations for the Third World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction; (vi) discussions led Pacific Youth representatives to identify ways to include youth as agents of change in helping to make communities resilient towards risk; (vii) the private sector's role in building national resilience to disasters and climate change; (viii) a side meeting that brought together representatives of Finance and Planning agencies to discuss their role in resilient development; (ix) progresses in the development of the Strategy for Climate and Disaster Resilient Development in the Pacific (SRDP); (x) Talanoa sessions; and (xi) linkages with the global post-2015 Development Agenda, the agreement of Sustainable Development Goals and the comprehensive review of the Pacific Plan in 2013.