Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction institutional and policy landscape in Asia and Pacific
This paper is a regional policy and institutional mapping of the practical integration of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in Asia and Pacific region. It presents: (i) an overview of past, ongoing, and planned interventions by various regional organizations, inter governmental organizations, United Nations (UN) organizations, and the institutional landscape on DRR and CCA in Asia and Pacific region at the regional level; and (ii) an overview of the institutions involved in DRR and CCA and their policies, plans and statements, as well as activities that are underway covering both topic at the national level.
The paper aims at contributing to improve regional planning and programming for DRR and CCA, and highlights areas for cooperation among regional and sub-regional organizations. It intends to add to periodic progress reviews and reporting processes at regional and sub-regional levels, such as the biennial HFA progress reviews and preparation of the 2011 UN Global Assessment Report. It is also intended to assist donor agencies and decision makers channel resources and efforts to meet their own policy and program imperatives while implementing DRR and CCA.