Disaster risk management for health: safe hospitals, prepared for emergencies and disasters
Disaster Risk Management for Health Fact Sheets:
This fact sheet about safe hospitals, prepared for emergencies and disasters in disaster risk reduction for health is divided into four sections: i) Key points ii) Why is this important? iii) What are the health risks? iv) Risk management consideration.
Safe hospitals, prepared for emergencies and disasters key points:
-Hospitals and other health facilities are vital assets to communities on a day-to-day basis and when disaster strikes.
-Safe hospitals protect patients, visitors staff and the investment in health infrastructure from hazards.
-Safe hospitals continue to function and provide lifesaving medical care in disasters.
-Assessment of the safety and preparedness of hospitals identifies priorities for remedial action, including cost effective retrofitting.
-New hospitals are safeguarded by risk sensitive sitting, design and building in compliance with building codes.
-Emergency planning, staff training and exercises build hospital capacity to manage risks and respond effectively.