Briefing note 04: effective measures to build resilience in Africa to adapt to climate change
This policy brief, issued while Governments discuss how to adapt to climate change in Durban, reflects that African countries are committed and investing funds to reduce risk to floods and droughts, albeit too little and still insufficiently in development sectors. These findings are potentially important as they demonstrate the effectiveness of addressing disaster risk through public expenditures and contribute to discussions on financial models to address climate change.
This brief builds on the information provided by countries in their reports on progress in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. It also builds on the facts provided by the Special Report on Extreme Events of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC/SREX) and in particular the finding that ‘opportunities exist to create synergy in financing for disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change’.
UNISDR Briefing Notes aim to provide practical and objective guidance to policy issues related to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. They draw on information and evidence from the Hyogo Framework Monitor, the Global Assessment Report (GAR), country case studies and other relevant publications.