Evidence, monthly UNISDR newsletter: issue 12, September 2012
This monthly newsletter highlights UNISDR activities around the world. This issue reports on: (i) the launch of the Making Cities Resilient Report 2012; (ii) the 4th session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management held in Noumea, New Caledonia and its contribution towards creating the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction; (iii) the release UN-HABITAT "State of the World's Cities 2012/2013 - the Prosperity of Cities" report linking the world's future prosperity to the ability of cities to reduce risk and build resilience; (iv) the renewed commitments of the UNISDR and UN-HABITAT; (v) the designation of Canberra, Australia becoming a role model city for the "Making Cities Resilient" campaign; (vi) the city of Gothenburg, Sweden joining the "Making Cities Resilient" campaign; (vi) the launch of the 2012 UN MDG Gap Task Force Report, "The Global Partnership for Development: Making Rhetoric a Reality", which warns that the risk of disasters is increasing in developed and developing countries; (vii) the Asia private sector disaster risk reduction group; (viii) Driven by the theme Women and Girls: the [in]Visible Force of Resilience, the International Day for Disaster Reduction 2012 draws attention to the fact that their efforts to protect and rebuild their communities before and after disasters are often unrecognized.