Risk relationships and cascading effects in critical infrastructure: Implication for the Hyogo Framework
This paper represents the first phase of a long-term research project that aims to investigate risk interdependencies - particularly between different sectors of critical infrastructure (CI) - and the way in which unfolding disasters
trigger cascading effects across different domains.
The authors present the following recommendations for consideration during revision of the Hyogo Framework:
- In Action Area 1 (disaster risk reduction as national and local priority), a new indicator should address the existence of national policy, protocols and/or legal frameworks that support the acceptance of international aid and provisions that reduce the impact(s) of disaster events.
- In Action Area 5 (strengthening of disaster preparedness), a new indicator should address the identification of CI interdependencies and prioritisation planning for CI recovery operations.
- In Action Area 2 (identification, assessment and monitoring of disaster warning and enhancement of early warning), a new indicator should address national and regional risk assessments that account for interrelated disasters.
- In Action Area 5 (strengthening of disaster preparedness), a new indicator should address the Private Sector's need to identify business and CI interdependencies and establish robust continuity plans that account for CI failures.
This document is an input paper of the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.