Disasters and climate change adaptation management: A guide for local government
This paper discusses the relationship between climate change adaptation, risk management, and emergency management and proposes a guide for local government addressing these issues. The authors explain its development, structure and its uses in the context of supporting the objectives of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2009-2011).
In the development of the guide, the following lessons were learned (p. 7):
- As the guide was subsequently adapted for other users, it was found necessary to simplify terminology and process descriptions.
- A simple template was developed, that reduced the effects of climate change in the targeted area to a short list of key factors and that used terminology and measurements understandable to the average user.
- The guide includes standardised tables and charts along with explanations of how to use them which simplifies its use.
- Local knowledge of the environment and understanding of the processes followed by local authority were
essential to customising the guide to the final user.
This document is an input paper of the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.