Workshop on integrating practices, tools and systems for climate risk assessment and management and disaster risk reduction strategies into national policies and programmes
The workshop will be held in collaboration with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and enable around 100 experts representing developed and developing countries, along with intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to share their practices and lessons-learned in the integration at international, regional, national and sub-national levels, and to identify gaps and needs and how to overcome barriers in order to facilitate successful integration.
The workshop is held under the Nairobi work programme work area of adaptation planning and practices with the objectives, as contained in the annex to decision 2/CP.11, to advance sub-themes b (ii), “Collecting, analysing and disseminating information on past and current practical adaptation actions and measures, including adaptation projects, short- and long-term adaptation strategies, and local and indigenous knowledge” and b (iv) “Facilitating communication and cooperation among and between Parties and relevant organizations, business, civil society, and decision makers, and other stakeholders”.