SIDS4 - Investing in Resilience - The Good Business Case for Disaster Risk Reduction in Small Island Developing States
2:00p.m. - 3:30p.m. - Room 5, American University in Antigua and Barbuda
This event will delve into the vital role of disaster risk reduction in implementing the new programme of action for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), attracting both existing and new partners, and fostering a risk-informed and resilience-focused approach to investment in SIDS. In alignment with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the principles of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the event will underline the importance of understanding and mitigating disaster risks as a cornerstone of mobilizing development and climate finance.
For every dollar invested in disaster risk reduction, up to six dollars can be saved in prevented losses and damages. There is an evident development, humanitarian and environmental imperative as well as a compelling economic case for investing in resilience in SIDS. Leveraging resilience dividends and saving lives and livelihoods will enable SIDS to fast-track sustainable development, including attainment of the SDGs. Through showcasing successful case studies and risk financing tools, the event will demonstrate how strategic investments in resilience can yield significant benefits, protecting communities, economies, and ecosystems in SIDS. Join us to contribute to shaping a resilient future for SIDS, leveraging the collective wisdom and resources of the global community to chart a course towards resilient prosperity.