UNDRR Publications

We produce a range of publications by collecting and analysing risk data through a range of tools, knowledge products, and mobilising like-minded partners.

Documents and publications

This brochure seeks to promote disaster resilience in schools and through schools as part of the World Campaign focusing on promoting the safety of school buildings and the mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction (DRR) into school curricula or at least

Documents and publications

This document provides a framework of guiding principles and general steps addressing the construction of safer and more disaster resilient education facilities. It is aimed to be adapted to the local context and used to develop a context-specific plan to

Documents and publications
The '2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction' in Chinese, Japanese and Korean is a joint product of the Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO) and the National Emergency Management Agency of Korea (NEMA).
Documents and publications

With the aim of guiding the implementation of the Hyogo Framework Framework (HFA) in respect to drought, this document elaborates a framework for understanding drought and vulnerability to drought, and provides guidance on actions to reduce the risks

Documents and publications

The full report of the ISDR Scientific and Technical Committee 2009:

The present report is the result of the effort to highlight the use of scientific and technical knowledge as an essential foundation for disaster risk reduction, and to make

Documents and publications

This short note reports on recent experience from six countries where national and local governments, with civil society participation, have worked to reduce disaster risks as part of their adaptation efforts. Based on these examples and other countries’

Documents and publications

With respect to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), this document gathers the proceedings of the conference which conveyed the participants to resolve to preserve and sustain the gains in disaster risk reduction and to promote further cooperation among

Documents and publications

With the goal to build resilient communities to withstand and live with the risk to natural hazards, and related environmental and technological disasters, this document presents the proceedings of the conference which examines vulnerability in Asia and

Documents and publications

This publication presents a selection of articles carried out within the framework of the Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Urban Risk Thematic Platform in particular. The thirteen articles included here reflect diverse

Documents and publications
This paper presents the conclusions and recommendations of the conference on ‘Natural disaster prevention, land-use planning and sustainable development’ held in Paris, 17-19 June 1999.

Related on UNDRR.org

BMZ side event LDC5
The latest news from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the lead UN agency for the coordination of disaster risk reduction.
Cheerful young black lady leading international group of protestors
Our communications and advocacy campaigns call for taking action today to protect people and prevent disasters from happening.
Media Centre Thumb
Media centre
Access to a range of multimedia resources related to disaster risk reduction, including news releases, photos, videos, and other materials.

Further UNDRR knowledge offerings

Terminology logo.png
Definitions on disaster risk reduction to promote a common understanding on the subject for use by the public, authorities and practitioners.
Words into Action
Guidelines, based on global expertise, communities of practice, and networks of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practitioners. The guidelines provide practical, specific advice on implementing a people-centered approach to DRR.
A girl completing a painting showing trees, people and a sign saying “Cinta Lingkungan”
The global knowledge sharing platform for disaster risk reduction and resilience.

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