Publicaciones de UNDRR

We produce a range of publications by collecting and analysing risk data through a range of tools, knowledge products, and mobilising like-minded partners.

Documents and publications
This collection seeks to recognize and celebrate just a few of the many amazing women leading disaster risk reduction efforts across the Pacific, in the hope that these profiles will inspire other women doing the same.
Tonga cover page
Documents and publications
The disaster risk reduction status report provides a snapshot of the state of disaster risk reduction in the the Republic of Vanuatu under four priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
Nauru cover page
Documents and publications
The disaster risk reduction status report provides a snapshot of the state of disaster risk reduction in the the Republic of Nauru under four priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
Samoa cover page
Documents and publications
The disaster risk reduction status report provides a snapshot of the state of disaster risk reduction in the Samoa under four priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
Report cover for "From protection to prevention"
Documents and publications

Based on an analysis of twenty case studies from ICMIF members around the world, the mechanisms provide a practical way for the cooperative and mutual insurance sector to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the global plan to

Cover image of the annual report 2020
Documents and publications
Annual report capturing output and impact for 2020.
2020: The Non-COVID Year in Disasters
Documents and publications
The year 2020 rivalled 2016 as the world’s hottest recorded year despite the absence of a strong El Niño effect.
Cover image for Addressing infrastructure failure data gap
Documents and publications
Infrastructure investment is an important part of economic-crisis recovery as it creates jobs and revitalizes communities.
WIN DRR cover image
Documents and publications
This booklet aims to provide an introduction to the Women's International Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (WIN DRR)  programme.
Documents and publications
This Partnership Strategy will provide the framework for UNDRR as the custodian UN agency for the Sendai Framework to engage stakeholders and partners from all sectors in effectively reducing disaster risks.

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BMZ side event LDC5
The latest news from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the lead UN agency for the coordination of disaster risk reduction.
Cheerful young black lady leading international group of protestors
Our communications and advocacy campaigns call for taking action today to protect people and prevent disasters from happening.
Media Centre Thumb
Media centre
Access to a range of multimedia resources related to disaster risk reduction, including news releases, photos, videos, and other materials.

Further UNDRR knowledge offerings

Terminology logo.png
Definitions on disaster risk reduction to promote a common understanding on the subject for use by the public, authorities and practitioners.
Words into Action
Guidelines, based on global expertise, communities of practice, and networks of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practitioners. The guidelines provide practical, specific advice on implementing a people-centered approach to DRR.
A girl completing a painting showing trees, people and a sign saying “Cinta Lingkungan”
The global knowledge sharing platform for disaster risk reduction and resilience.

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